The first snowfall of the season…I mean real snow fall, like storm, with gusty winds, and inches and inches of it. And I couldn’t be happier. I LOVE New York City covered in snow. It’s gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.
So, there I was getting stuff done, kids in bed, husband finishing up his online gift buying, the wind slamming against our window. And I could see the snow falling and falling. The fire escape slowly starting to get white and the night sky clear from it. I looked at my husband and asked him to come outside with me.
It took some negotiating, but I got him to go. I am, at heart, still a child in many ways, and to me being grown up just means more freedom to indulge in these childish whims of mine…oh the joy!
The wind slapped us the second we stepped out of our building. Cars were rolling down the street very, very slowly. Everything covered in snow. I started giggling like a child. My darling husband patiently by my side as I took pictures. I thought of throwing a snowball or two at him, but I chose to be nice. This time.
It made me think of all the awesome places to take the kids sledding tomorrow…like on Riverside Park (and 91 st) and Central Park but these two are my favorites. I like Central Park the most though because after sledding you can also opt to go ice skating, or go for nice long walks in one of their many winding paths. And here in our very own neighborhood of Washington Heights, we can go to Fort Tryon and have an awesome time in the snow too if we didn’t want to travel too far, and then grab a warm treat from one of the local bakeries or diners. All I know, is when my little ones wake up tomorrow morning, they are going to be so incredibly excited!
On this night though it was just hubby and me. We walked a few blocks, saw people coming back from shopping excursions, city workers clearing paths for buses and commuters (bless their souls), and others hanging out at local coffee shops, the windows misty from the warmth being delivered inside.
I loved walking out there, touching the snow, running in it, my hair stiffening from it, my cheeks red. My husband, well, he warmed up to it as we walked some more, even kissed me a few times a long the way (yeah, he’s pretty awesome that one). It’s hard not to get into the moment. All those tall buildings and store awnings covered in snow, the holiday lights glistening off the falling snowflakes…ah, beautiful.
After a bit, we came back inside, shook off the snow, got back in our warm PJ’s, and back to what we were doing before. And though the weather outside is frightful, the warmth in our little apartment is so, so delightful, and since we have no adventures to go to tonight, I say, “Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!”
Have fun everyone!
Yay for the first snow! Our city is so beautiful tonight. My neighborhood had similar lights up – so cheerful!
Mami Dearest
Beatiful! I miss the snow so much during this time. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Jeanne Lobsinger
Thank you for sharing your snow pictures. It makes me really appreciate being from Texas. I like snow, but only when I want to see it. Merry Christmas!
I love the snow. That is probably because it never snows here in Arkansas. Maybe we will get some this year so the little man can check it out.
Wow, you are almost making me nostalgic – for snow! 🙂
Snow Day in New York City | NYCity Mama
[…] snow days. You already know how much I love them. Though I know for a lot of people, this weather is such a drag, for me and my kids, snow is an […]
NYC Holiday Snow 2010 | NYCity Mama
[…] us yesterday long before it was over! I, on the other hand, love it! I love how the city becomes a Winter Wonderland, I love how it draws everyone out to play and adventurers out for crazy walks or runs through the […]