T’is the season, and the holiday spirit has come alive in our home. As is our yearly custom, we headed out in search of our Christmas tree.
For the past few years, we’ve set out in search of new places to cut our tree. But, we enjoyed the tree farm we discovered last year so much that we decided to return. Unlike last year, we waited a little longer and got to enjoy a bit more of the fun the farm has to offer closer to Christmas. We also went with the crowds, so my advice is to arrive in the AM or go right after Thanksgiving, otherwise risk waiting up to an hour (it has happened there) to get your tree. This organic, local, family-owned farm didn’t fail to deliver last year, and this year it was even more fun then we remembered.
The experience of hunting for our own tree started back when we lived in Wisconsin. It is a tradition we continued even after we moved back to NYC, and now that we live in NJ. People may wonder what the big deal is about going to a farm. Well, aside from the fact that we love the look and smell of a fresh tree, the excitement for all of us in going on the short road trip to the farm, the couple of hours we spend there: cutting the tree, getting on hay rides, drinking hot chocolate, and more, is one our children have now grown with and get excited about and one we will continue to travel for in the years to come.
You can read all about our experience last year at Hidden Pond Tree Farm and why we just had to return! The farm accepts cash or checks only.
Check them out at http://www.hiddenpondtreefarm.com/ and also note other events they host even beyond the Christmas holidays.
Special note: We also scored a new fancy tree stand. The stand is a pin stand that requires a hole to be drilled right in the middle of the tree (the farm does it for you). It was the easiest tree set up we’ve experienced in years! Worth the $40 we paid for it at the farm and our tree is standing perfectly without an hassle at all.
That is a gorgeous tree!!