While I was in the West Coast, and exactly after I had left Seattle and driven past the signs to Olympic National Park due to lack of time, I received the news that myself and fellow travel bloggers, Chelle and Crystal (of BrownGirlsFly) and Ana (of TravelingLatina) had been selected as after we submitted an application to join the American Latino Heritage Fund and the National Park Service in raising awareness of the cultural heritage in many of the parks and help increase diversity in the visitor population.
Chelle talks more about statistics on her blog about this upcoming expedition. But I will talk more based on experience. My husband and I are huge national parks people. We’ve taken huge road trips to visit them, most recently Yosemite and Redwood, but also Yellowstone – and it has become a family favorite vacation. I can’t through numbers our there, though they certainly do exist, but I can tell you that even during the most busy of national park travel season, I can count on one hand on any given moment how many people of color are present with us. It’s a pretty big deal, because it is the reality of the facts, and that is that more people from my community need to get out there and enjoy all the great things that my family and I have. Our visits to the national parks have been incredible bonding experiences for us, as well as soothing moments for the heart, mind, and soul.
Being a part of a group of women who aim to inspire daily is exciting!
Our group, the Travelistas in Nature, will be traveling to the Pacific Northwest (Yay! I get to go back!) for a 4-day adventure expedition to Olympic National Park. I love that there is more hiking in my horizon! The expedition sponsors, REI and ARAMARK Parks & Destinations, will outfit us with the gear we need as well as provide us with accommodations. Follow #ALEx13 to stay connected!
I will be sharing our adventures at Olympic National Park, as well as all the fun my family and I had at the Redwoods and Yosemite and hope it serves to inspire to make it the summer you get out there to explore some of nature’s wonders.
Can’t wait to share more!