I can’t believe that summer is almost over. It just seems to have flown by. Normally, around this time of year, most parents are excited about the beginning of school and there have been days during this summer when I have been there too. But most of the time I want to hold on just a bit longer. I want more time. A few more days of lazy mornings and happy, laughing children in pajamas. Of carefree days of pancake eating afternoons and late night movie watching in the middle of the week.
I want more time of stargazing and rock climbing, of sea shell collecting, and fire fly chasing.
We are making the most of it, as if there will never be another summer again. And maybe that’s not such a bad thing, living each day as if we were running out of them, as if our time is so short, so limited. Because when that happens I find that we talk more, hug more, kiss more, hold hands longer, walk slower, sit in silence more often, close our eyes and breathe deeper. I find that we notice everything and take nothing for granted. I find that we tell each other I love you more and really, really mean it. I find that our days are richer, fuller, more meaningful.
I guess, if I think about it, every day that has brought us closer to the end summer has had its reward because we have made sure to make them count. And that’s a pretty awesome way to live.
Here are some images from our weekend in Montauk, NY where we stayed at the beautiful Montauk Yacht Club. I will be sharing more of what to do and see in an upcoming travel post on Expedia Viewfinder travel blog. In the meantime, I leave you with some photography.
Of all the I love you’s that I have said to him, no number of summers seem to really express how he makes me feel. I often wonder if a lifetime will be enough.
When I look back at the images I took from the beginning of summer, I can already see how much taller and wiser they’ve become. It sometimes happens faster than my heart can grasp. (Missing the teen who was home recovering from knee surgery).
Summer has been kind to us and we’ve made sure to make the most of every moment. Looking forward to many more adventures over the next few months.
Hoping your summer has been great too, and we thank you for allowing us to share our fun with you!
Photography may not be used without direct consent of the publisher.