One of the most beautiful things about travel, and the stories about the same is the authenticity of it, especially when it comes to traveling with our kids.
One of the most beautiful things about travel, and the stories about the same is the authenticity of it, especially when it comes to traveling with our kids.
Traveling and schooling while on the road can be overwhelming. Here how the beautiful surroundings of Montana in autumn helped us relax.
It's easy to tell someone to have confidence in their voice. But what happens when your own voice is challenged? My year of reflection.
For a long time, too much time within the 5 year span of my blogging, I questioned whether I belonged in certain communities where more seasoned, professional writers would gather. At some point blogging shifted away from being seen as this superfluous, casual h[...]
As 2013 comes to an end I am looking back at a year in travel and how much I have enjoyed discovering new and repeat favorite destinations to share with you. I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to make 2013 the year of happy, and I think it really was[...]
It’s actually all my fault - or so my wife Carol Cain, aka Girl Gone Travel likes to say. I had always told her that she should have a radio talk show or write a book due to her ability to re-frame seemingly insurmountable problems in a way that would make imm[...]
There are a few things that I am proud of when it comes to being a New Yorker. I can drive through the streets of New York with the focus and aggression of a skilled hunter (though admittedly having a license, or a car, is not very New York). I can walk the s[...]
I have never been to Rome, yet have heard so much about it and I was excited to check it out. Our hosts at Carnival Cruise paid for our (my teen and I) excursion fee, which consisted of a tour called "Rome on Your Own". Basically, it was the hour ride from the por[...]
I was at a press event with a little over 35 other travel writers, bloggers, and brand representatives. I was talking to a travel writer about Japan, extremely curious about it because it is one of the places my family and I want to travel to soon. I asked her wha[...]
We've had a very exciting year! I've traveled to some pretty fun places, sometimes on my own, sometimes with my crew in tow - but always with excitement in my heart for the next adventure. This New York City Mama grew and Girl Gone Travel was born to celebrate t[...]