Last year I was honored with the opportunity to do a wine tour in the Aquitaine region of France. My journey started in Bordeaux and took me to make wineries in and around the various destinations of the region as well (you can read more about that experience in Getting to Know Bordeaux).
I have been invited again on another amazing experience through one of France’s celebrated wine regions and over the next few days will be touring several destinations and wineries in the Loire Valley.
This trip will be a lot of fun because it will also have the added excitement of my driving, often by myself, through the French countryside in search of good food, good wine (will not drink and drive, promise), and beautiful châteaux.
I am both nervous and excited about the entire experience and can’t wait to start my adventure to share with you!
You can follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The hashtag I will be using is #LoireValleyTravels, so please feel free to connect with me and I hope you follow along!
To see the full list of bloggers who will also be covering other wine regions throughout France and for more information about who we are, and the places we will all be visiting separately, follow #FranceWineTravels
Photo credit: Atout France/CRT Centre – Val de Loire/C. Lazi