Re-branding my site and bringing it to life was a catharsis for me. I was full of apprehension and insecurity over it. Afraid that I would somehow let down the many people who have supported me thus far.
And that’s what is so interesting about change, isn’t it? Often times we consume ourselves with what others will think, what others will feel, and how others will react that we pause, hesitate and sometimes fail to move forward. The thought of re-branding my site was a little over a year long process. I had been shopping around for design ideas for about 8 months. I had been thinking about a new name for about as long. I consulted with friends, business partners and even clients.
I worried and worried over this. My husband, and business partner, worried even more.
But, in the end, and like how I do mostly everything in my life, I envisioned all of this to be a great big pool full of cold water and I held my nose and jumped right in, feet first. I made a big splash, shivered around for a bit, and you know what? The water is feeling really good right now – maybe even better than I expected.
What is in a name is everything, especially when it comes to creating your brand. I didn’t think it through very much when I first launched NYCityMama, and though I still love the name I knew it wasn’t representative of what I was doing, or where I was in my brand anymore.
Funny thing is, very few people were as comfortable with the idea of re-branding as I was. Many friends offered cautious advice and hesitated in saying it would all work out fine.
I have learned that in life and in business, there are times when you have to follow your heart and what feels right. Do your research. Talk it through with others you trust. Sit on it for a bit and feel it out. Try, test, and try again – even if privately. Make sure it is what you really want, but most of all, promise yourself that whatever the outcome, you will never, ever regret your decision.
Take responsibility for your choices, take them on with confidence, and be willing to accept whatever comes next, as long as you know that the choice is one that makes you happy regardless of what anyone says or thinks.
Because what is in a name should represent what you are most passionate about, and what you are most passionate about should be your biggest joy. And that’s the key: always blog your passion, whether that be coupons, or kids, or travel. If and when you blog your passion you set a good base to start with. You can learn all the other things (how to improve your writing, how to grow your brand and your following, or how to partner with businesses and make money) along the way.
Thank you so much for the incredible support and accolades, the love, the kind words and congratulatory messages and notes and remarks. I am so grateful for the love. My husband Travis and I worked very hard to bring our passion to life in a way that you would enjoy and feel excited about as well. To know that we have accomplished this means the world to us.
Nothing makes me happier than to witness it all.
When blogging your passion, you can’t make it about the numbers and stats – you have to make it about what is most real and true for you. So, is starting over scary for me? Well, not really only because my focus isn’t on where my numbers stand, but on where my heart lies…and as long as I remain true to myself I know that others will follow.
And for this, I thank you!
Roxana A. Soto
Good for you, Carol! I love the the new site, the new name and, as always, your honesty!
Te felicito de verdad and I look forward to continue to follow you and your beautiful family's adventures!
Un beso fuerte desde Colorado!
Carol Cain
@Roxana A. Soto: Thank you Roxana!
Stacie @ The Divine
Congrats, Carol! I love the name and just liked on Facebook. 🙂
Carol Cain
@Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy: Thank you so much Stacie!
congrats, new site looks awesome!!!
Carol Cain
@Anna: Thanks so much Anna : ))
Melanie Edwards
It's funny. I've been debating a change for almost 2 years now and the same issue is my biggest concern – how will others perceive the change? How will it affect current partnerships, client work, etc.? So happy you followed your heart and it's great to see that it can, indeed, be done without losing it all. 🙂
Carol Cain
@Melanie Edwards: Oooh Melanie! I can't wait to see what you do : )) Take your time, find what's right and we will follow!
Long time listener, first time caller – this post is inspirational! Awesome how you are following your passion!
Carol Cain
@Erin@MommyontheSpot: Thank you so much Erin for leaving a comment : ) I am so happy to have inspired!
I'm getting to the point of needing a major change, especially being introduced as a "mommy blogger" in a professional setting yesterday. What you've done is so inspiring and I will also take my time to make a change. I love to see that you've taken your time and have done exactly what you set out to do. The results are fantastic and from your heart. Mazel tov!
Carol Cain
@Holly: Oy. I feel your pain Holly. I wish you luck in your journey and am sure you will fine something that makes you just as happy xoxox
Tracy López
I've already liked Girl Gone Travel on Facebook through my Latinaish page, so one less person to move over. I love the re-design and new name – it's perfect and you had outgrown the other one. Wishing you a lot of success, Carol.
Carol Cain
@Tracy López: Thanks for your continued support Tracy and for your feedback, we love hearing it! xox
I was extremely worried about my personal brand when I joined AOL and then HuffPost, but during a particularly worrisome week, a co-worker who I consider a great friend said to me, "you've built yourself as a person before you got here, and you'll take that with you after." That has stuck with me ever since, and I hope it sticks with you too. People will ask for NY City Mama, people will ask for Girl Gone Travel, but they will always know Carol.
Carol Cain
@Anna: Thank you Anna! That is so reassuring and so great to hear. I am seeing that people aren't following the brand as much as they are following the person (me). It's been an incredible eye-opener for me, and a source of renewed confidence and appreciation for my audience and friends. Thanks for sharing that. I know it will resonate with others as much as it just did for me…and for you.
Wendy @ Connecticut
Carol, I think you are doing what a lot of bloggers will be doing soon. For those of us who have been blogging for awhile, you find that what you started with may not be what you are interested in now or where you want to go. This is why I have launched my new local blog. My main blog, Sweeties Sweeps, is still where I have the most traffic and income, but I have so many more interests that instead of rebranding that site, I just started a new site (Connecticut Bloggers). Eventually that will change as we won't want to just blog about our state but so much more. For me it is easier to just start a new blog everything time I have a new interest (I think I am up to 10 now).
For me, and I am sure a lot of other people, this rebranding comes in waves. I have been many things over the years and it seems they last about 3 years (well, except for being a Mom and wife). The 3-year point is where I have mastered whatever it is and I need a new challenge. I either leave it behind or bring it along for the next phase of my life.
I think what you are doing a great thing. People will continue to follow you because they love your work. Enjoy!
Carol Cain
@Wendy @ Connecticut Bloggers: Thanks Wendy! I guess that's the nature of the beast. We are meant to grow and change. Otherwise, we aren't living life to the fullest. I wish you success with Connecticut Bloggers! Love the excitement and anticipation that comes with the new : )